Saturday 17 May 2014


by Irene McHenry , Carol Moog

I am an adult with Asperger's syndrome , and as such I am on the autism spectrum . I was diagnosed as an adult , but have lived a life where I am aware of my strengths and limitations and have put together coping strategies of my own . When I was diagnosed with autism , I looked for as many books as I could to help me understand my condition , but have found a shortage of self help books for autistic people.

This book is amazing , and is one which I wish I'd discovered years ago . Don't be misled by the title , as this book is as helpful to adults as it is to teens . The book is written in a very friendly and accessible manner , and has obviously been written by somebody who understands and empathises with autistic people .

The book helps autistic people to cope in everyday situations by using mindfulness techniques . I was confused as to what mindfulness actually was , but essentially it is a means of becoming aware of yourself and your surroundings . The book starts off by introducing simple breathing techniques and then progresses to assist autistic people become more aware of social situations and sensory issues and offers simple mindfulness techniques to help them in such situations.

This is an essential book for any adult who has an autistic teen , or for an autistic adult to help them understand themselves.

All in all , this is probably the finest self-help book for autistic people that I have found . An essential purchase.

NB..this review is based on a copy of the book sent to me for review by NetGalley , and will not be published until August 2014.

Buy This Book

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