Saturday 7 June 2014

The Rules of Acting

The Rules of Acting

How to Survive and Thrive in the World of Hams , Luvvies , Thesps , Turns , Twirlies , Hoofers and West-End Wendies..........

By Michael Simkins

I've always wanted to be able to act , but in reality I can only ever be myself so that's a little bit of a problem straight away . I've always been impressed by people who can credibly become another person as I find it difficult o even be myself.

RADA trained Michaels Simkins lifts the lid on the acting world , and gives his advice to any aspiring actor through a selection of humorous anecdotes about the life , work and tribulations of an actor. Along the way there are insights from such luminaries as Sir Ralph Richardson , Terry Scott and Kenneth Williams . Think the life of the actor is glamorous ? , then read the account of the actor  , the pig and the 'cock-sock'.

This was a really fun and amusing book , and kept me giggling throughout  , and even made me wish that I decided to take up acting :)

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